About Author

Sorawich Pongpiyapaiboon “Sora” is graduate student at University of Miyazaki. Sora aims to become Researcher and Professor, and he is doing his best.

Brief introduction to Sora

Born in Thailand in 1999, Sora never thought he would be aiming for a PhD and want to become researcher, never mind to start career in STEM. He had no interest in science and enrolled in mostly humanities class and majored in Japanese language in high school. Sora life changed when his advisor recommended him to continue his study in Japan. And now here he is. To learn more about his academic journey click here.

Sora is not the best grad student, not the smartest one, and sure he is not the most hard-working one either. but he is trying to be happiest one and make people around him happy too.

Academic Achievement


Pongpiyapaiboon et. al., 2023

Jiamtae et. al., 2023

Academic Conference

Japanese Society of Breeding 144th meeting

September 2023

2023 Japanese Society of Grassland Science meeting

March 2023

September 2022

Japanese Society of Breeding 142nd meeting

Japanese Society of Breeding 141st meeting

March 2022


Fellowship and Funding


2023 - Present


Iwatani International Scholarship


Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship


Other Activities

TSAJ’s Vice president, Kyushu region representative


TSAJ’s Miyazaki prefecture representative


Language Proficiency

Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1


IELTs 7.5 / TOEIC 970


Sora’s Lab Experiences

Wet Lab

  • Next Generation Sequencing

  • Qualitative and Quantitative study using Liquid Chromatography - Mass spectrometry (LC-MS)

  • Real-time PCR and PCR

  • Plant tissue culture and Root culture.

  • SDS-PAGE / Agarose electrophoresis

  • Extraction and Isolation of DNA, RNA, Protein, and other metabolites

  • Field works involving Poacaea and Fabacaea family plants.

Dry Lab

Focus: Bioinformatics, 3D model, A.I.

  • Whole genome sequence analysis

  • Gene expression analysis

  • Machine learning using Python and Tensorflow

  • Data analysis and visualization using R programming language

  • 3D imaging and modeling of plants using Photogrammetry technique

  • Computer vision using OpenCV in Python

“How Others Choose To View You Is A Choice Only They Can Make. You Cannot Make It For Them. All That Truly Matters Is That You Hold Firm To Your Own Values.”

— Cyllene (Pokemon Legend: Arceus), Sora favorite quote.