University of Miyazaki. Faculty of Agriculture. Department of Animal and Grassland Science.

Laboratory of Forage grass Genetic resources and Breeding.

(Translated from the university site.)

In our laboratory, we are conducting research on the following themes.

1) Molecular breeding for the purpose of improving the quality of forage crops: Establish gene recombination technology for warm-season grasses, search for useful genes for improving quality and environmental resistance, and use gene recombination technology to develop new breeding materials.

2) Collection of plant genetic resources and their breeding utilization: Collection and preservation of genetic resources of forage grasses of the genus Zoysia and legumes plant Lotus japonicus and soybeans, and evolutionary research of legumes and grasses by genome analysis, And utilized it as breeding materials.


Frontier Science Research Center (BioResource Division)
University of Miyazaki,
Gakuenkibanadainishi 1-1, Miyazaki city, Miyazaki, Japan 889-2192