Japan. Miyazaki prefecture. University of Miyazaki.

Undergraduate: Global Human Resource Development Program

In 2017, I have enrolled in Global Human Resource Development Program (GHRDP) in University of Miyazaki, Japan. This program offers me an opportunity to study at both University of Miyazaki and Kasetsart University (KU) in Thailand. I became a student in Department of Animal and Grassland Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture. After initial study in Japan, I returned to Thailand to join Tropical Agriculture International Program in KU as an exchange student. (Yes, I became an exchange student in my own country, it is a weird and unique experience). After one and a half year of general education and fundamental subject in Thailand, I returned to UoM and start my first real research experience.

In summer of 2019, from available 5 laboratories, I selected Laboratory of forage grass genetic resource and breeding

Master’s course: Graduate school of Agriculture

After graduated in March 2021, I continue my study at University of Miyazaki in International course of Agriculture, Graduate school of Agriculture. In this course, I have opportunities to enroll in many interesting class but most importantly I have started new research focus more on topic that combine computer analysis and agriculture together.

Doctor’s course: Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Agriculture and Engineering

From April 2023, I will enroll in Doctoral course in Course of Environmentally Harmonized Technology and Science, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Agriculture and Engineering, University of Miyazaki. This is very exciting and I hope to update my journey here as time go on